The previous day's cold temperatures, intermittent showers and high winds did not hold much promise for conditions on the 5th. However, the day dawned clear with moderate breezes and warmed up as the day progressed. Four shooters competed in the matches that morning and the branch's Norinco JW25A trainer rifle got a workout. Veteran marksman Ken Kenchington effectively utilised the Norinco to take first in Action M .22LR class and the overall competition. Andy Wood took first in Rapid Fire A and B in .22LR, 1st in 310 Cadet class and overall second. Simon Hale shot consistently with the JW25A to take overall third. And junior Bryn Wood performed admirably and placed 2nd in 310 Cadet class.
We'll be shooting Cadet & Trainer 7th July so come along, use the club rifle and enjoy the fun.